New Hot Air Balloon Service to Open on Isle of the Sacred Mountain
by Hoddin Hocks

Mountgo Brothers balloon
The Mountgo Brothers floating over the Isle of the Crown

The Isle of the Sacred Mountain has long been a secluded one, what with the fact that one must actually fly to get there. For people with wings, it’s no problem at all. But for “mere humans” it’s a far different story. That’s why the Mountgo Brothers Hot Air Balloon Service plans on changing that.

“We’ve always had a fascination with the sky,” the older of the two brothers, Amar, told the Four Winds. “Ever since we were little, we always looked to the heavens for guidance.”

And looked to the heavens they have. Amar and his brother

Ryoo Mountgo are on the verge of opening a hot air balloon service that will tour the Isle of the Sacred Mountain and believe they will turn a significant profit. Natives of the Isle of the Crown, the two brothers grew up learning everything about aviation that they could. Amar has dedicated his life to trying to bring man to the clouds, studying birds and what literature there was on the Winged Ones to learn what made it possible for them to fly. "The secret, you see, is that the bones of birds are

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